Saturday, March 29, 2008

stones on top of stones

the style of hampi's architecture was clearly influenced by the surrounding boulders. some of these boulders were simply carved into idols right where they lay; others were carved up into building blocks and turned into temples, palaces, market stalls etc. the whole region is a massive quarry of good quality granite.


Hieronymous said...

Complete with graffiti and banana trees! Those pictures make it look like the jungles of Honduras. Was it as hot and sticky as it looks?

mikosloper said...

hot? oh, yeah! around 90 degrees with high humidity. it even rained like crazy one day, so the heat kicked up the puddles into steam... i think the Tropics region is much of a muchness: green, hot, humid... or sandy, hot, dry... with the operative concept = HOT! today the sun stood directly overhead at noon. between now and solstice it will be slightly north at noon: weird and dis-orienting.