i can hardly tell...
so we left india on friday and sunday was the beginning of a week-long renaissance workshop at sonoma state. we stayed a night at some esperanto buddies' house in oakland, and then headed off (still jet-lagged) to rohnert park. we arrived, checked in and went off to our first session: sight-reading renaissance music while our brains were still a half-continent away.
and what a week of excellent music!
then off to miwuk for a few days, then to oregon for a week, including quick visits with randall & family, trudy & family, chela, shari & family... and the oregon country fair... i am exhausted just thinking about this whirlwind visit....
but we already had tickets to holland, so we had to head to the olde worlde before hansa's birthday.
and of course there was the world congres of esperanto, right there in rotterdam, about a mile from hansa's apartment.... amazing to see so many of my long-time buddies in a brigadoon-like time warp.
i stayed in holland riding my bike and/or skating every day for several weeks until it was time to come save the world from FOUR MORE YEARS of war and deficits.